IBPS Clerk 2023: Comprehensive Syllabus for Prelim and Main Exam, 10 methods of Preparation for Empowering Candidates for Success in Banking Jobs.


The syllabus of IBPS Clerk 2023, if we talk in general sense it consist of two exam. first is prelim exam and second is main exam for selection, the following is structure of syllabus :-

IBPS Clerk Preliminary Exam Syllabus:

English Language:

Reading Comprehension
Cloze Test
Para jumbles
Fill in the blanks
Error Spotting
Sentence Improvement
Vocabulary (Synonyms, Antonyms, Homonyms, etc.)

Numerical Ability:

Number Series
Data Interpretation (Tables, Bar Graphs, Line Charts, Pie Charts)
Quadratic Equations
Arithmetic topics (Percentage, Ratio and Proportion, Average, Time and Work, Profit and Loss, Simple and Compound Interest, Time, Speed and Distance, etc.)

Reasoning Ability:

Blood Relations
Direction Sense
Alphanumeric Series
Order and Ranking
Seating Arrangement (Linear, Circular, and Square)
Puzzle (Floor Based, Box Based, Day/Color Based, etc.)

IBPS Clerk Main Exam Syllabus:

General/Financial Awareness:

Current Affairs (National and International)
Banking Awareness
Static GK (Countries, Currencies, Capitals, Important Dates, etc.)
Financial Awareness (Banking Terms, RBI, SEBI, Fiscal Policies, etc.)
General English:

Reading Comprehension
Cloze Test
Para jumbles
Fill in the blanks
Error Spotting
Sentence Improvement
Vocabulary (Synonyms, Antonyms, Homonyms, etc.)

Reasoning Ability and Computer Aptitude:
Logical Reasoning
Blood Relations
Direction Sense
Alphanumeric Series
Order and Ranking
Seating Arrangement (Linear, Circular, and Square)
Puzzle (Floor Based, Box Based, Day/Color Based, etc.)
Computer Knowledge (Basics, Internet, MS Office, Networking, Security, etc.)

Quantitative Aptitude:
Number Series
Data Interpretation (Tables, Bar Graphs, Line Charts, Pie Charts)
Quadratic Equations
Arithmetic topics (Percentage, Ratio and Proportion, Average, Time and Work, Profit and Loss, Simple and Compound Interest, Time, Speed and Distance, etc.)

Preparing for the IBPS Clerk exam requires a systematic approach and diligent study. Here are some steps to help you prepare effectively:

1. Understand the Exam Pattern: Familiarize yourself with the exam pattern for both the preliminary and mains stages of the IBPS Clerk exam. Understand the sections, marks distribution, and time allocation for each section.

2. Gather Study Materials: Collect the necessary study materials such as textbooks, previous year question papers, and online resources that cover the entire syllabus. Make sure to have the updated syllabus for the current year.

3. Create a Study Plan: Devise a study plan that suits your schedule and allows you to cover all the topics within a specified timeframe. Allocate specific time slots for each subject and section. Ensure that you have enough time for revision as well.

4. Master the Basics: Start by strengthening your foundation in the basic concepts of each subject. Focus on topics such as English language, quantitative aptitude, reasoning ability, computer knowledge, and general awareness.

5. Practice Regularly: Regular practice is crucial for success in the IBPS Clerk exam. Solve a wide range of practice questions and sample papers to enhance your speed, accuracy, and problem-solving skills. Take mock tests to simulate the exam environment and assess your performance.

6. Time Management: Develop effective time management skills to optimize your performance during the exam. Practice solving questions within the allotted time for each section. Learn to prioritize and manage your time effectively.

7. Improve Speed and Accuracy: Work on improving your speed and accuracy by practicing different types of questions. Identify the areas where you face difficulties and focus on them to enhance your performance.

8. Stay Updated with Current Affairs: Stay updated with current affairs, especially topics related to banking, finance, and national/international news. Read newspapers, magazines, and online portals to keep yourself informed.

9. Revision: Regularly revise the topics you have covered to reinforce your understanding and retain information. Create concise notes or flashcards for quick revision before the exam.

10. Stay Positive and Take Care of Yourself: Maintain a positive attitude throughout your preparation. Take care of your physical and mental health by getting adequate sleep, eating well, and engaging in activities that help you relax and destress.

Remember, consistent effort and dedication are key to success in the IBPS Clerk exam. Good luck!

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